Lizzie + Ash

Lizzie and Ash started their love story the traditional way. A right swipe on Lizzies phone and a conversation directed word for word by her sister. Not long afterwards, it was decided that Lizzie and Ash should meet up for coffee. This date went so well that they were still deep in conversation when the cafe was closing. Lizzie suggested that they relocate to the local bar. So they hopped in their cars to drive down. Ash got a little bit (okay a lot) lost on the way, then really struggled to find parking. Leading Lizzie to believe that she’d possibly been stood up mid date!

Obviously that was not the case and the pair have just grown closer and closer ever since.

They got married on Lizzies parent farm, where they actually live in a small cottage out the back. Initially they were supposed to also have a raging reception in a stunning marquee there too; but gale force winds the night before had radically different ideas. At the 11th hour they managed to secure an incredible local venue for the reception to keep everyone safe and warm. Friends pitched in, it was all a bit hectic, but they got the job done.

A testament to a perfect couple is how the cope under pressure. Do they pull apart or draw closer? With these two, the handled everything in their stride. Hardly even complained about the bitterly cold weather (seriously, it was cold) and ended the day as wife and wife. More in love than even before.

Thanks so much Lizzie and Ash for having me, and a big shout out to biodegradable confetti canons which are pretty wild fun (as you can see!)


Amelia + Peter


Alysha + Nick